donderdag 31 maart 2011

A new day!

Hello people!
Or at least one person! thanx for supporting me btw!
I just finished my exams today! i'm soooo happy and relaxed!
Tonight I have a concert at my music school, i'm kinda nervous...
Anyway, i'm trying to look a little normal because the rain messed up my hair today, it just explodes when set foot outside when it's raining.
I've decided to recommend a song every week, so for this week: Vampire Weekend with A-Punk, you should check out the clip on youtube!

See you guys (person) tomorrow! (Or another day, but probably tomorrow)

woensdag 30 maart 2011

Shoes matter!

People of earth,
I realised something today: shoes seriously matter!
I saw this girl at music class today and she wore a crazy fashionable outfit, but her shoes really looked like she went mountainiring (that's climbing on a mountain, right?)! Her outfit was totally ruined!
So people, the lesson of today: wear awesome shoes with an awesome outfit, not some hideous wrecks!
Some hints for this spring: details cinderella (Shoes)

xoxo Crazy fashionlover

dinsdag 29 maart 2011

First message...

Hi everyone!
I'm kinda new at this whole blog-thing, so...
Anyway, my blogs will be about my life, fashion and things I like!
I hope you guys will like it...
btw: Any feedback on the background of my blog? I really like it, so i'd like to have your opinion!

You know you love me (no, i'm kiddin'!) xoxo CrazyFashionblogger